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Imprisoned (2018)
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Imprisoned(in Hollywood Movies) Imprisoned (2018) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream Imprisoned on your mobile, tablets and ipads
Plot: In the thriller, IMPRISONED, Dylan Burke (Juan Pablo Raba), attempts to move on from his former life as a criminal, with his true love, Maria (Juana Acosta). He soon realizes that his past will continue to haunt him, when he learns the new local prison warden, Daniel Calvin (Laurence Fishburne),… Runtime: 104 min Release Date: 25 Oct 2018 Starcast: John Heard, Laurence Fishburne, Esai Morales, Edward James Olmos, Jon Huertas Director(s): Paul Kampf Genre: Drama, Thriller, IMDb: Downloads: 5380.0 IMDb Rating: 5.2/10 (320 votes) Social: Tweet
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